Mesotherapy skin
  • The appointment takes around 45 minutes, including numbing time.

    We recommend a course of 3 sessions, carried out 2-4 weeks apart for best results.

  • It can be a bit uncomfortable however we numb the skin prior to the treatment with numbing cream.

    We use a mesotherapy pen device or hand held device to administer the treatment.

    The result can be seen in the first few days following treatment, but is designed to be carried out as a course of treatment for best results.

  • Following treatment, your skin may feel inflamed and look red. Skin should be kept make up free on the day of the treatment, AFTER the treatment has been carried out.

    Makeup and skincare can be applied as normal the following day.


Face Mesotherapy

This is a skin rejuvenation treatment using a bespoke blend of medical grade skincare ingredients which are placed into the skin via microneedling.

Unlike microneedling alone, mesotherapy allows a bespoke combination of moisture rich vitamins, minerals and hyaluronic acid to penetrate into pores created by a microneedling device. This helps to help induce collagen, boost hydration and maximize glow. It is also second to none for improving skin texture.

In this way, we are able to provide the combined benefits of microneedling with the additional benefit of bespoke serums which are tailored to your skin concerns and deposited directly into the skin. This gives faster acting results than at home skincare alone.

In the examples shown, Dr Alisa and Dr Anj have treated a full range of skin concerns ranging from hyperpigmentation to acne to brides wanting to simple increase skin radiance.