Nose filler
  • The appointment takes around 45 minutes, with the actual procedure taking only around 15 minutes.

    The results from the filler are instant, and generally last around 9-12months. Each time you have this done, the results will last longer as the filler induces collagen into the region over time.

  • Nose filler is contrary to what a lot of patients think, relatively painless. We numb the skin prior to the treatment with numbing cream.

    Very small needles are used and the number of injections are usually very minimal, to keep any swelling and trauma to a minimum.

    The result can be seen instantly.

  • Downtime with filler in this area is generally very minimal and makeup can be applied the next day.

    Tenderness and mild swelling is expected for a few days as well as potential for mild bruising in some cases. We provide pre and after care instructions to go through ways we can further minimise this.

    We advise against wearing any glasses or eyewear for 3 weeks post treatment if you have had filler on the bridge of your nose to avoid any distortion. After this period, you can wear glasses as normal.

  • Patient can often worry that the fact we are adding filler means their nose will look bigger. This is in fact, the opposite!

    In actual fact, things like bumps and hooks on the nose can look harsh and make the nose appear larger on the face. By adding very small quantities of filler in the right places, we are reducing the prominence of these bumps/hooks and in fact creating the illusion of a much smaller and straighter nose.


Non Surgical Rhinoplasty

This is one of our most popular treatments and can be truly life changing for so many. It gives an instant result and can change the appearance of the nose to make it look smaller on the face.

This treatment is perfect for anyone who feels they want to predominantly improve the side profile of their nose. We can straighten bumps, lift drooping nasal tips, sharpen the tip of the nose and to an extent, disguise asymmetries of the nose from the front profile too.

By carefully and artistically placing dermal filler (injectable hyaluronic acid), we can give the illusion of a shorter and straighter nose by disguising any bumps and subtly lifting the tip of the nose if appropriate. This gives a really lovely straight nose from all angles!

This treatment is often carried out as part of overall Profile Balancing, which is one our signature treatments.